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Term 4~ Week 5: Year 5 swimming sessions commence on Thursday 27th March

🍀Our very own Irish dancer Hannah showcasing her talent!🍀

World Book Day 2025- Wizard of Oz & Egg Competion Winners


We are delighted that Tollgate Community Junior School joined DCAT on 1st October 2023.  

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want your child to be safe and happy at school. You want their learning to be meaningful and enjoyable. We are delighted that we are in the process of joining the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust. This is an exciting opportunity that will enable Tollgate to collaborate with other schools with a similar ethos. We are confident that approval will be given by the Regional Commissioner in Spring 2023, with conversion completed for October 2023.

Our children are excited about coming to school. They feel part of our learning community. Everyone is valued, respected and cared for. We are committed to meeting the individual needs of each child. We work in close partnership with all of our families. This ensures our children are successful and responsible members of the community. Vital to this partnership is our ‘open door’ policy. Parents and carers feel they can approach the school if they have a query or concern.

At Tollgate Community Junior School we celebrate success, reward achievement and support difficulties. Our pupils are keen and motivated learners. They have a well-developed understanding of the world and their role within it. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and enriching. We make the most of first-hand learning opportunities.

We hope that this website gives you a flavour of what life is like at Tollgate. We would like to welcome you to our school to experience for yourself the unique ethos and opportunities that our children enjoy. We hope that your family will become part our learning community and take advantage of all that we have to offer.

Welcome to our school.

Mr S. Dennis

A warm welcome from the Headteacher

Together Everyone Achieves More

We are all born with an innate capacity to learn. How successful we are can depend on a variety of factors. These can include how we feel about ourselves, if we know how we learn best, how good we are at practising and making links with what we already know. At Tollgate we know that we have children with a tremendous amount of potential. With help from parents we aim to develop this potential.  

If you would like your child to join us at Tollgate, we would love to hear from you. Or you can contact the East Sussex County Council Admissions team for more information.

~Tollgate's foodbank donation 2024~


How to find us


Tollgate Community Junior School | Winston Crescent | Eastbourne | East Sussex | BN23 6NL

General enquiries: Mrs Willgrass, School Secretary
Email: office@tollgate-jun.co.uk | Telephone: 01323 723298

School News Feed
  • Important
    14 February 2025
    Important information around PING/ARBOR
    Good afternoon You may remember a little while ago when we transferred over from SIM's to Arbor and from Parent Pay to Arbor Pay that we mentioned eventually we hope to have all our eggs in one basket so to speak, by that we hope to make it less complicated by using fewer apps and different ways of communicating with parents Well, that time is fast approaching because at the end of March our contract for the use of DB Primary and PING will run out and we are not renewing it. It will be vital therefore that all parents are logged into Arbor as this will be the ONLY way we communicate moving forwards. At present we have 96% usage but we need to stress that it will be important to have your email notifications working so that you don't miss any vital messages sent. Arbor will then be the only platform we use for messages, payments and parents evenings etc. A huge thank you to all that have signed up already, and if you are still experiencing technical difficulties please come along to the office and we will do our best to help. We hope that the transition will run smoothly and that it will be so much easier to have everything all in one place. Thank you for your support with this matter Kind regards Mrs Willgrass
  • General
    12 February 2025
    ESCC FREE SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD WITH WORRY WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS AND CARERS. Provided by Me & My Mind, Mental Health Support Team (MHST). Understand what anxiety and worry is. Make some practical things you and your child can do at home to help. Time to chat to other parents and carers if you want to, you don't have to! Book now visiting this link www.buytickets.at/mentalhealthandwellbeingineducation
  • General
    11 February 2025
    ESCC- Bikeability Courses
    Good afternoon Please find attached details of the Bikeability courses that are running in the community during February half term and the Easter holidays. These take place at the Eastbourne Sports Park, details of where to find this are also attached. Kind regards Mrs Willgrass
  • General
    14 January 2025
    Parent KS3 Transition Support / Advice
    Good morning Many parents and children have questions about moving on to secondary school and it is not always easy to find a trusted source of information. Luckily, we have been offered some support from two experienced members of staff from St Catherine’s College – Emma Massey and Joe Gwynne. They will be available for informal chats and to answer questions on Monday afternoons on the front playground at pickup time (3.15-3.30 pm). They are happy to talk to anyone – not just Y6 parents and although they are based at St Catherine’s, both have worked at numerous local secondary schools so may be able to help with both general and school specific queries (Ratton/Eastbourne Academy etc.). So that you know who to look for, here are their photographs. They are going to position themselves next to the Office door. They are very friendly, so please do take the opportunity to go and chat. Kind regards Mr Walsh
  • School_meals
    17 December 2024
    New Relish Menu January 2025
    Good Morning From January 7th the Relish school meals menu will be changing. Attached is a copy of the new menu, we will return on week 1 of the new menu. A copy of the menu will also be available on the school website. If you do wish to book your child's daily food choices from home this can be done by creating an account on Relishschoolfood.co.uk Website. Many thanks
  • Important
    30 September 2024
    Good afternoon A gentle reminder for children who are given packed lunches that we are a NUT FREE school. This means NOTHING containing nuts is to be included in lunch boxes please. We have children with severe, life threatening allergies. Thank you very much for your continued support. Kind regards Mrs Willgrass
  • General
    11 July 2024
    Monday Morning after the Euros
    Good afternoon, As I'm sure you are aware, England have amazingly got to the finals of the Euros! As the match is not scheduled to finish until just before 10.00 pm on Sunday (and even later if it goes to extra time/penalties), we are keeping registers open on Monday morning until 10.00 am. We will still be open at the normal time...we just won't be giving 'late' marks until after 10.00 am, in case your child has had a late night...hope this helps!


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