Egg Race
Photo Gallery
Welcome to our photo gallery. We hope you enjoy seeing some of the things we get up to at Tollgate. Scroll down the page for more photos.
Tollgate footballers triumph at Eastbourne Borough
Tollgate Junior School were delighted to win the Eastbourne Borough, 6 a-side football tournament last week. They took part along with other Eastbourne schools, where they played a total of 7 matches, eventually winning the final on penalties. Team coach and Tollgate teacher Ed Gwynne said how proud he was of the whole team, not only for their winning the tournament, but also for the sporting attitude throughout. Tollgate will now go on to represent Eastbourne Borough FC in the National League under 11s cup. The girls were as equally successful getting through to the semi-finals!
Eggheads of History Competition!
Last term, children and staff were invited to take part in an egg-citing history competition! The task was to turn a hard-boiled egg into a famous person from history.
The results were truly fabulous and included a host of different characters, from Albert Einstein to Cleopatra to King Henry VIII and his wives! The effort that went into the designs was phenomenal and we were blown away by how creative every entry was.
Children and staff spent the week voting for their favourite Eggheads from each year group and it was wonderful to see the hall buzzing with groups of children discussing and admiring the creations. Just take a look at the pictures!
Year 5 Mural
We are delighted that Megan Buttle, a former pupil, has designed and painted a stunning Rainforest-theme mural for us. The Year 5 children were asked to vote on the style and the content of the mural, and it has been great seeing how a real artist goes about creating a large-scale mural. Special thanks to Megan’s Dad Tom, who joined in with the project, and also to Brewer’s who donated all of the materials free of charge.
Learning at home
Learning in School
Special Events - Tollgate's 50th Birthday
Tollgate's Mosaic
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