School Uniform
The school colour is royal blue. We seek the co-operation of parents to ensure children dress in the correct way.
You can order uniform online and then collect from reception to save on postage fees.
See our School uniform policy on page 22 of our prospectus.
Please note we run a second hand uniform shop after school twice a week. Items can be purchased for a nominal voluntary contribution. Please ask at the office for the shop opening hours.

Jewellery and make-up
Pupils should not wear jewellery in school. They may wear watches and stud earrings (no more than one in each ear).
Children should not wear make-up or nail varnish.
We expect pupils to have their natural hair colour. We do not allow:
- hair colours
- styles containing beads (except for religious reasons),
- slogans, motifs or shaved motifs
We do not allow items of clothing, footwear and accessories that we consider to be dangerous in school.
PE Uniform
PE Kit
The same high standard of uniform is expected for PE.
PE clothing is worn all day on days when the class has PE.
On the school Mapac website you are able to purchase the following kit: A branded t-shirt, plain shorts, branded hoodie.
Alternatively if you prefer not to buy the branded kit, you can purchase a plain white crew neck t-shirt, navy shorts and a plain Royal Blue hoodie from other retail outlets.
PE Outside - Optional
Plain black/navy track/jogging trousers (to be provided by parents)
PE Footwear
Bare feet for gym/dance (we allow children with verrucae to wear plimsolls), trainers/plimsolls for other activities (to be separate from any worn during the day).